Labels:brass | earth | grandstand | monitor | person | sconce | sky | tree OCR: Produced Logan Kelsey tor 21st Century Mediam Interface design ogan esle Jim Baker Progr amming Jim Bak Film dire ctea 1049 Logan els Additional titming Arthur ehbie Stilt Photogr Dav Epperson production tono FLF Films r COMING MAY CRITICAL CONDITION INTERACTIVE -ROM 1995 21st Century Mediat All Rights Reserved Published b Century Medi aTM 875/8 83 41 Street San Rafael CA 94 901 415 455 9407 History/Travel secti ions photogr aphy Davia Epperson AlL film other photography Logan Unauthorized duplicat on and/or distribution Of thie CD volation of applicable Taws. entury Kelsay Bake Progra mming Fitm directe shot Aaditional fitming Arthu ehbiet Stit CRITICAI SONDON Riahts sections David ather Bnatnorized auplicat this violation Jaws